Thursday, July 9, 2009


So there I was, ready to believe some pretty bad things about Michael Jackson, when that PILLAR of the COMMUNITY, Rev Al Sharpton vouched for him. Now I'm convinced he was a swell guy!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

The Difference is...

We learned of Elvis' passing on 16 August 1977. The difference between us and the majority of those on this current hype bandwagon is, on 15 August 1977 we loved Elvis and had not forgotten him.
Since there is not an entertainer, living or dead who deserves to have his/her name in the same universe with Elvis, let alone the same article, no name will be mentioned by this writer. It would only serve to legitimize the grossly illegitimate! Elvis, unlike the others, was not a self-proclaimed anything and when a woman attempted to put a crown on his head, exclaiming, "You're the King,"
Elvis' response was "No, Honey, I'm not the King. CHRIST is King! I'm Elvis!"
'Nuff said!

Saturday, July 4, 2009


You've no doubt seen the shysters on TV who call themselves "men of God" and their "testimonies" of how their lives were changed significantly when they started "planting seeds" in the "Kingdom of God." (Jeepers, I had to put a lot of stuff in quotes. The reason is there is a real and a very very counterfeit) The whole concept is giving supposedly to God (at some third party's address) with the intent of using God as a slot machine fixed to continuously pay off. If you COULD be assured that you gave some money for God's purpose (and that's more and more questionable daily) you could never outgive God because, guess what...HE GIVES US EVERYTHING WE HAVE!) It doesn't take a genius to figure out that on so many networks that claim to be spreading the Gospel they're actually spreading something that would grow great tomato plants, namely false doctrine. They call it "the Prosperity Gospel."
But before you shake your head and think, "those poor clueless people," go look in the mirror. Politicians are doing the exact same thing, only their "source" namely a big government beaurocracy, is not a source at all. It's SUPPOSED to be government, of the people by the people and FOR the people, but it's a far cry from that.
I'm honestly expecting there to be ads on TV with some guy testifying something like this:
"I was poor and couldn't pay my rent. Then one day, I started paying higher taxes and ever since, I've had more of the things I want in life than I've ever had before!"
Same sham, same kind of gullible dummies, same stupidity!
The old Motown song, "Ball of Confusion" said it plainly:
"Politicians say mo' taxes will solve ev'va thang...
and the band played on!"

Friday, July 3, 2009


Veterans have called for US Flags to be flown upside down! Never has the Constitution of the United States and the Principles of our forefathers been under attack as they are today. Freedom is inching away for Fascism!