Friday, December 30, 2011

I Don't Have Much Wisdom, But I DO Have Some Experience

It is near impossible to go from being lovers (sweethearts, dating, going steady, partners, etc) to being "friends" especially if you're coming off from being "friends with benefits." (No strings) If it's a guy you are breaking up with, he will grab at straws. I know, because I've been guilty. I know some of you are tender-hearted and have been in a relationship that's been toxic. I know you want to believe that said Sir Toxic will change, and while I DO believe in redemption* I also know that there is a certain type of toxic person who has no concept of changing. He only changes in the sense of as a chameleon changes.

Hear me, going from committed relationship to just "friends" is a transition that only comes after at LEAST six months of TOTAL SEPARATION!! (if not more) and maybe PERMANENTLY. Sir Toxic will take on any form, play any role, use any trick, to get you back and by "back" I mean the same old rut you were in that made you make the decision to get out of it. Your heart wants to think he'll change. You want to believe he'll change. He wants to make you believe he'll change. He may even have fooled himself into thinking he's changed, but DON'T, repeat DON'T buy it!

While I have compassion on the Mr Toxics in the world, I am sick and tired of seeing good-hearted, genuine people hurt by these guys. "Oh, I have a sex addiction" Blah blah blah. You are scared to commit and always looking over the fence for greener grass, that's you're problem, Mr Toxic. There are women like this, too, for sure. Why do you thing we have SAFCAB?

Your decision to send Mr Toxic packing was wise. Now you have to follow through. You may have to endure his thinking you're a b*tch, but that's the price you'll have to pay. Your REAL friends will know that is not true! YOU, dear lady have to lay down the barriers and decide what they are. No one can do that FOR you.

The Buck loves you!

(*repentence, a willingness to turn from the old and begin anew through Jesus Christ)

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Yeah, Sometimes I Whine...

Yeah, Sometimes I Whine...

by Johnny Roebuck on Thursday, December 29, 2011 at 10:15am

...It's not a trait I'm particularly proud of but I think if we don't let it out, it festers and gets way out of hand. I was told by someone very precious to me that I am too much of an open book. What you see is what you get. I like the lack of pretence in that, but I agree, it's not necessarily always positive.

I've grown to dislike "holidays" for some very selfish reasons. Christmas was great when I was a kid and celebrated it for all the wrong reasons and later when I became a dad and shared the joy of watching Josh get more interested in the wrapping paper than the gift. We never were able to keep up with the latest gadgets, Nintendo and the like, but that's okay, now Josh has all that stuff.

Family is the most important thing in life to me. My blood relatives for sure, but I have relatives who don't share my DNA and they are just as legitimately family as those who are. I have what many would call a "step granddaughter" whom I love with all my heart. I also have a cousin who is actually my Uncles adopted nephew, if that makes sense and he is more like a brother than a cousin, five years my senior and always taking up for the "Yankee boy" who came down to Wilson for visits from DC. Yeah, I love Herb.

I long more than anything to be able to see my Mom and Dad and a whole bunch of other relatives who have passed away. I don't know WHAT people do who don't know where their relatives who've gone on do. See, as much as I miss them, I wouldn't bring them back to THIS world as it is for anything, because I know beyond a shadow of a doubt they are with the Lord Jesus and that's alright with me. That's another thing, Jesus. How in the world do you miss Someone you've never actually seen, physically? Yet, that's the way I feel about Jesus. I want to see Him...hear Him say, "It's alright now. You're with Me."

The old folks used to say, "this world is not my home" and I couldn't understand that, but now I do.

This past Friday, I lost count at a hundred, ten "happy birthdays" on Facebook. Wow. It takes my breath away.

My co-workers greeted me with a jelly doughnut with a candle on it and you know what? That doughnut means as much to me as the biggest fourteen layer chocolate cake(...well, you know what I mean)

Here's the whining part. Karaoke has come to mean a lot to me. It saved my psyche when someone I dearly love decided to, in the words of my dad, "set me adrift." That's for the most part where I met some of the hundred and ten people. It seems like when a holiday comes around, or someone's stupid team is playing some big deal game, it's used as an excuse to put off karaoke. It's like it's the first thing to be cut. I don't like that. I never will. Hate to end on a negative note, so lets see...

How about this. I LOVE YOU!