Saturday, August 15, 2009
Somewhat Open Letter to a "Progressive" Friend
I truly do NOT know how it happens. I take extra measures to NOT send you the political stuff I forward to like-minded thinkers. But I keep getting responses back from you.
I just don't waste my time trying to convince those who will not be convinced. On the previous email that voiced my feelings on the matter, I even said so.
You have a right to believe what you choose to, to think that socialism is "just another approach" to finance, or call it "progressive" or whatever you like. I just think it's sad that you got indoctrinated into that kind of thinking.
The Marxists approached my Dad and were willing to PAY him to read their nonsense as far back as when he was in the Marine Corps....(WWII) recent evidence proves they were embedded even then in our military when you hear the rhetoric of some so called "former" Marines. Sadly, even Marines go bad.
In April, there was an article in the NY Times that reluctantly boasted about Adolf Hitler's boosting of the German economy and how it worked. Hitler is labeled by many a "right winger" but he was a SOCIALIST, a LEFTIST who hated Jews, and gave Germany a intrusive government making all the decision.
What Obama is doing is totally unAmerican. And I know you disagree. A Czar for this, a Czar for that who answers only to Obama and was never confirmed by the House or Senate?
This so called "Earnings Czar" who will decide how much leaders of Industry can earn and put a cap on it. By who's authority? NOT the American people...they've had no voice in it. Where does it stop? Checks an ballances, out the window for Obama's power grab!
What about ball players? I think they are paid obscene amounts of money to play sports and the same for Nascar drivers riding around in circles. Elvis made millions and only sang, but he fulfilled the American dream. A sports freak would say, "Well, Roger Staubach, (or whoever) brought a lot of pleasure to those who watched the game" I understand that. Dad used to say every time I bought an Elvis record that I was "subsidising" Elvis. I was, and I'm glad I had the freedom to do so.
What these Marxist/Socialists/Statists are pulling has nothing whatsoever to do with health care and things being better for the American people. It's about POWER, pure and simple. They DO NOT have the best interest of the common man in mind. You know what? Maybe the free enterprise people don't either, but their system has worked, where socialism has failed in EVERY SINGLE instance. Name one that works. You can't. Our own "Social Security" is bankrupt as is Medicaid and Medicare.
You don't fix something by letting the pencil pushing bureaucrats take it over, I know that for sure. (Funny how they don't want to use their erasers!)
I saw these lazy blamed people in DC. Sitting back, feet propped up on their chair reading the paper and drinking coffee enjoying the plumb of a job they got for being a "good Democrat" (or Republican.)
While we're limiting pay, let's limit how much trial lawyers like hot pants John Edwards earn and the amount they can sue for, so doctor's don't have to take unnecessary tests on patients to cover their rumps. No, we have to have McDonald's sued for millions because an idiot doesn't realize coffee is supposed to be hot and if you're stupid enough to spill it, guess what? You get BURNED!
My cousin discovered a blade manufactured for a certain purpose and another blade that was way expensive and an unnecessary cost, and used his brain and repackaged the first, marked it up a bit and made a handsome profit. That's the true, American, entrepreneurial spirit. That's my America and I don't want it given away to a big government.
What's being proposed now is classic bait and switch, plain and simple!
I can't believe you buy into to Statists agenda. Usually, those who follow this are mindless, dumbed down people...not well educated ones. And if they ARE educated, they're usually some pseudo-intellectual jerk looking down their nose at anyone "without letters."
If you are one of those, no need to read further. I don't waste my time on you.
Simply put, these people, in the name of "compassion" and using a FALSE sense of EMERGENCY are planning a power grab that will destroy the greatest country on earth and the last best hope for freedom. Why, oh why are people flocking to the US for health care from countries with so called "Universal Health Care?" Why? Because ours may be expensive, but it's superior to all others. Not perfect, by any means, but we're the ones with incentives to create better techniques for saving lives and improving the human condition. We have the encentive and Socialized medicine REMOVES that incentive! The only way to "save" in that system is ultimately RATIONING!
It's difficult to not talk about these things because I believe feel passionately what I'm saying. One thing that gets me about the Democrats is this. When I first moved down here (to North Carolina) and was still pretty malleable as far as politics is concerned, I ran into a white Democrat who hated blacks and Republicans. Spoke of the Republicans putting black people in office illegitimately after the "War of Northern Aggression" and that he just couldn't trust them. Shortly thereafter, amazingly, I heard a BLACK Democrat, who said the Dems were for the "common man" the "little man" and looking out for them, while the Republicans were just about making the rich, richer. I was astonished.
When my former wife, began to take her position the State of North Carolina, she was taken in a back room and told, "I HOPE you're registered as a Democrat. Things will go much better for you if you are. And that goes for your husband, too." She came home and pleaded with me to change my registration from no party to Democrat. Reluctantly, I did so, I am ashamed to say.
Just before Jim Martin was elected Governor of NC, I quite accidentally walked up to him at the State Fair Grounds and asked if I could speak to him. I relayed what I just relayed to you and identified it as what it is...TYRANNY and an abuse of power. Mr Martin assured me that if he got in office that sort of thing would END! It did not!
By the way, when the eternal taxman, father of the "temporary" NC sales tax that outlived even him, Terry Sanford (whom I met in Chapel Hill at Dad's Class of '41 Reunion) was being sworn in as a US Senator, that hour and that day, I was in the Public Library changing my registration in protest of his taking office changing my registration. It was not until then that I was ever registered as a "Republican." I am registered that way now, but I do not consider myself a Republican. I am, proudly a CONSERVATIVE. I am for FREEDOM, for any government getting off the backs of its citizenry. I DO believe in the philosophy of the Founding Fathers of this great Nation. Government has no right to stick its nose in the freedoms GOD gave us.
Most people don't know, but my Dad was a dyed in the wool, DEMOCRAT. At one point in college he was complaining about the treatment of the "little man" and a fellow student called him a Bolshevik! Gradually, Dad reasoned and weighed all the information available to him and by the time Goldwater came around, his thinking was transformed. Dad would tell you like Misters Reagan and Helms would, that "I didn't leave my Party. My Party left ME!"
Ray Steven's has re-vamped a song he recorded in the eighties that the title is self-explanatory: "If 10%'s Enough for Jesus..."
Okay, what people are guilty of is believing that someone who disagrees with them just hasn't thought things out. That somehow they arrive at their opinions irrationally or on the spur of the moment. That's TRUE of some people, but not always.
PREJUDICE: IF someone says one bad word about a black they're called "prejudice"
Prejudice is PRE-judging. "Daddy hated n*ggers, Mama hated n*ggers, so I hate n*ggers!"
But what if someone is speaking from EXPERIENCE? "Well I've never had a black person who didn't try to mess me up." This person doesn't need to expect ALL black people to do so, but he DOES, if he has a working brain have to use the principal of "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me TWICE, shame on ME!"
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