Thursday, March 31, 2011

Gun Grabber Tactics

Heard of a story last night in local Atlanta news of some sports figure who owned an "Assault" and the writer's question of why he had to own one. Gun grabbers...let me help you. The word "assault" in connection to like the AK47 is designed to strike fear in the reader/listener/viewer. So maybe you should come up with some others, because your goal is not to ban SOME weapons but ALL.

Let's see now, we can call the .38 the THUG-nose. Nah...that would only mystify the "urban" community. How about the FIENDISH .45? The NOCENS nine millimeter (that's a greek word for bad, wicked, injurious, culpable or evil)

Meanwhile, there's still the site running with the famous assault rifle cam sitting there, minding its own business while the gun grabbers wring their hands and want only cops and creeps to own weapons, and I think they'd really take them away from cops, like the bobbies in England. "I say, old chap, stop! Stop, I say, or I'll be forced to blow my whistle at you!"

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