Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Fifty Years

It just seems like yesterday when we gathered to celebrate the fiftieth anniversary of my Mom & Dad's marriage. Shoot, it seems like the day before that that my sister and I were celebrating my parent's twenty-fifth wedding anniversary. The end of this month marks fifty years that my older (MUCH older) sister and her husband celebrate THEIR fiftieth. They decided early on that they would prefer each other. By that, I mean that they would put each other's interests ahead of their own. The marriages I see these days are based on "what have you done for me lately" and seem to forget and some times don't even include a vow to love, honor and cherish, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health. Far be it for me to judge ANYONE, that's not my job, but the kind of marriage my parents had and my sister enjoys are rare.
Elvis sang, "I ain't for no one-sided love affair" and marriage these days is like a square dance with people changing partners constantly. I've even heard some say they "traded up" when the left one for someone else.
I never believed that way. I guess that makes me a donosaur and pretty soon we'll be extinct. I recall when I seemed to sound the LEAST bit unfaithful to my bride (shich I never was) a co-worker reminding me, "Roebuck...dat womah got papers on yo @$$!" How things have changed in the name of "freedom." Pity, me thinks

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