Saturday, October 27, 2012

Obama's TRUE Agenda Has NOT Failed!

Much was said when a political *commentator proclaimed that he hoped Mr Obama would fail. That statement was twisted to indicate that the commentator did not want to see America flourish under the Democrat. That was NOT, I believe what the commentator meant. He meant that he hoped that Obama's TRUE agenda would fail...but it hasn't. Obama's programs have driven the United States into record debt and closer to a Socialist States of America. That's where we sit now. Do you know that most GM and Chrysler dealerships post 2008 are now owned by Democrats? Do you know that dealerships which were closed were done so on the basis of the owner's party affiliation and the one's which were closed down were those owned by Repuclicans? This is corruption and tyranny of the first order and no, Obama's TRUE agenda has NOT failed!

*Rush Limbaugh

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