Monday, November 3, 2008

Doling it Out

There's a big stink going on in North Carolina politics because of an Elizabeth Dole ad that points out that her opponent, Kay Hagan, attended a SECRET meeting to receive a contribution from a group that refers to itself as "Godless." It wouldn't be the first time a politician received money from a Godless person or entity. It probably wasn't the wisest tactic for Dole, because now the focus is not on what Hagan promised the people who would remove God from public discourse, from our currency and from the Pledge of Allegiance, but with the aid of a biased, and largely Godless media, Hagan claims to be insulted.
Apparently, Hagan is a Presbyterian and says she has taught Sunday School and admonished Dole not to "bear false witness on a fellow Christian." But more importantly, she is suing Dole over this matter. So Hagan, missed the part in the Bible where a believer is not supposed to take another believer to court. Selective Scripture. The cafeteria approach to doctrine.
The Dems have perfected the art of calling others, "mean spirited," etc, but it is they who after having supported "Ted Agnew" when he ran for office in Maryland and then referred to him with their left-leaning media as "Spiro T," a subtle way of pointing out Agnew's Greek heritage and very racist. True to form, knowing that Senator Dole goes by Elizabeth and does not like to be called "Libby" the Democrat commercials use the despised knick name. It's all very childish.

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