Saturday, November 1, 2008

A Vote for Anyone Other Than McCain, Is a Vote for Obama!

Voting for Barack Obama is not the most insane thing an American can do, even though with what he represents, it is no less than insane. If a person actually swallows the pablum the Democrat candidate has put out, it is ALMOST understandable.
No, the most insane thing an American can do this election is vote for anyone other than McCane!
A vote for a "green" candidate, independent, Constitution Party candidate, Libertarian or any other, is a vote for Obama. If it turns out that Obama does win, they will be accountable more than the others
I voted for a Democrat disguised as a Republican...a liberal passing himself off as a conservative. I voted for McCain. I will NEVER vote for a Marxist even if he's purple!
And once again, for those of you who want to pull the race card out of some oriface, I fully supported Alan Keyes in all his bids for the Presidency and in his run for the Senate. Of you'll check the photos, Keyes is "blacker" than Obama, so that "dog don't hunt!"

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