Friday, May 14, 2010

Kiddie Karaoke & the Family Friendly Dream

Thank GOD, I'm not hosting so called "kiddie" karaoke. It's difficult to endure. This week, a friend who works at a box store commented about the store where she works not being a forest and calling for parents to not let their children act like monkeys. I'm afraid I have some of that spirit in me. Parents develop an ability to tune out bratty behavior. I was guilty to some extent myself, when my son was that age, thinking, after all, they've been made to stay quiet all day at school. Why not let them blow off some steam? We blew ours off outside until the street light came on. Kids today are not familiar with the out of doors.
My mother would see some of this ape-like behavior, especially children being rude and cutting in front of the paths of adults and whisper to me, "I should have tripped him up!" I love you, Mom. No, I think they may well break their necks on their own!
Then there's the little girl or boy singing a karaoke song three notes off all the way through the song. Nope, I have just enough Simon Cowl in me that I couldn't lie to her and say, "Give her some LOVE!" and then tell her she needs to go to Nashville right away. Well, Nashville, MAYbe, judging by what passes for Country these days. But that's another story for another time.

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