Once upon a time, in a far off land we'll just call America, there was a group of people who decided that they would create a free press. With that freedom came the ASSumption that purveyors of that profession would give not only both sides of a story, but ALL sides. These professionals learned to put their private leanings aside to present the facts.
Breaking away from King George (the tyrant in England from which we broke away, for those of you "publicly" educated) and his press that could only report things that made him look good was what the founders (original designers of the USA) intended. But over the years, that discipline became an arm of those with leftist leanings, namely, socialism, Marxism, communism and "large C" Communism. After a time, the three broadcast networks of that time and even the fledgling CNN (Cable News Network) were mere American versions of the Soviet Union's Pravda, indoctrination system.
More than ten years ago, a new network was conceived to restore JOURNALISM to the mix. It was called FoxNews Channel. Fox News prides itself in being fair and balanced as it presents all sides to political stories. It also airs commentators who, for the most part are conservative, as opposed to the commentators on CNN, ABC, NBC and it's groups and the highly leftist, CBS.
If you were to draw a line with extreme Communists and radicals on the left and extreme right wing people on the right, fair and balanced would be in the exact middle. Where one perceives fair and balanced depends on one's own leanings. Therefore a liberal would see fair and balanced to its right and call it "right wing" and not fair and balanced, which goes on quite a bit today. That does not change the fact of where and what fair and balanced is.
Of course, because all of these systems are run by humans, there ARE errors.
But I can speak from experience that leftists have been feeding America its pablum for decades. Working in the eighties in radio, the first stories over the wire overnight, for the most part, told all the facts, but as the day wore on, less and less of the facts that would make the more conservative point of view look favorable would disappear from later editions as the liberal bosses, and their cohorts came to work. Thus was and IS the slant of what is now called the dinosaur media.