Friday, November 7, 2014

I'm Still Here

I thought if that nurse gave me a shot, I wouldn't endure it. She gave it to me. I'm still here.
I thought, if Daddy take those training wheels off, I'm bound to fall and I wouldn't endure it. I fell, skinned my knees and elbow. The mercurichrome hurt something awful. I'm still here.
I thought, if Daddy pulls that tooth, I wouldn't endure it. He pulled it. Yeah, it hurt for a spiit second. I'm still here.
I thought, if they take my tonsils out, it's going to hurt. I fell asleep and when I woke up, my tonsils were gone. My throat was a little sore, but they let me have ICE CREAM and I'm still here.
I thought, if that doctor stitches up my arm, it's going to hurt. I STILL wouldn't let them give me a shot. He poured this clear liquid in my wound, told me I'd get numb, I got numb. He stitched me up. Ten stitches. It didn't hurt. I asked him what the liquid was. Doc said, "Water." I'm still here.
I thought the kid that had me in the headlock would beat me up, if I resisted. I stood up and popped him in the face. He DIDN'T beat me up. We became friends and he began to respect me. I'm still here.
I thought, if I kissed a girl, I'd turn red, she'd say, "Go away, you got cooties!" She kissed ME! I turned a little red, but next day, we spent the afternoon kissing! I'm still here.
I thought if I asked the girl to be my girlfriend, all the kids would laugh at me. Eventually, I asked her (after graduatin high school.) I said, "I want you to be my girl." She said, "Okay!" She said, "Okay!" SHE SAID, "OKAY!" (STILL don't believe that one) I'm still here.
I thought if she broke up with me I'd die. She broke up with me (or I THOUGHT she did.) I'm still here.
I thought if I got fired, I'd be the laughing stock of the world. I got fired. The people who mattered understood and were compassionate. And guess what? I'm still here.
I thought if I gave my heart to Jesus and made Him Lord of my life, He'd make a fool of me. I was a fool, long before I trusted Him. I'm still here, but long to be with Him.
I thought if I went through divorce, my son would die and I'd suck as a single Dad. She divorced me. We're still here!
I thought if my parents died, it would kill me. They died. I miss them, but I have no doubt whatsoever they are in Heaven with Jesus. And I'm stuck here. ;-)
I thought if I became homeless and had to live in my truck, it would kill me. I became homeless for nearly two years, spent only one night in my truck, only missed a few meals toward the end. Now have more space than I've EVER had. I'm still here.
Thought maybe I'd die if I went through heart catheterization. Went through it. Doctor told me to go home. I DO have a major heart blockage, but God did bypass on me--a direct answer to my prayer. For SOME reason, I'm still here.
The "worst thing that can happen" really isnhe end of the age. And He's still here't that scary. If YOU'RE still here, trust me, Someone saw you through it. He promised never to leave you nor forsake you, even till the end of the age. He's still there.

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