Saturday, October 11, 2008

People's Republic?

I have LONG said that this election, once again is a case of choosing from the lesser of two evils. It was the case between George Bush and Al Gore and it was with the case between George Bush and John Kerry. To revisit those elections I remain convinced that Bush would be better than either of the Democrat clowns who ran against him.
Now our "choices" are a Marxist Barack Obama or a mamby pamby John McCain. While an Obama "presidency" would be a giant step backward into the direction of socialism from the status quo, a McCain Administration may not be a great deal better, but at least McCain is not a Marxist and the Dems would not dominate all three branches of the Federal Government.
Yesterday, McCain said that people should not fear an Obama administration. This statement alone, MAY show that McCain himself is not fit to serve.
When people get to the place that they do not fear socialism and specifically Obama's brand of Chicago-style crooked Marxist socialism, this nation is going to crumble and crumble fast.
Contrary to the indoctrination of soviet style, so called "public" schools, there are some absolutes in this world. Socialism and particularly Marxist collectivism is the worst type of a system that promises falsely to redistribute wealth.
The way I like to put it is, we cannot tax and spend our way into prosperity. John McCain needs to heed the advise of his supporters and gain some intestinal fortitude with regard to dealing with the threat to us all of left wing Barack Obama.
James Earl Carter, the precursor to Slick Willie, in terms of being a pig in a poke didn't hesitate to accuse Ronald Reagan of being a "right wing extremist" in his unsuccessful bid to remain in the White House. Yellow Dog Democrats will also pull that meaningless type of bunk out of their hip pocket when they have no arguments against reason. Do not be scared. Stand strong. Edwin Burke was right when he warned that, "The only thing that is necessary for evil to flourish is for good men to do nothing."
Mr McCain, you said, "Fight with me." Sir, you must get up and LEAD that fight, Otherwise, the USA will become no better than Communist Cuba! Get up champ. FIGHT!

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